From the people who manufactured the clothing, to those who shipped it and others who stocked the racks, there's just no telling how many hands ( and other parts) have touched it all. 从服装的加工者,到运输人员、货架摆放人员,没人知道到底有多少双手(以及其他部位)碰过那些衣服。
But because of the standard, parts manufactured by different companies become interchangeable; competition for the parts increases, and prices go down. 由于统一标准的存在,不同公司制造的零部件变得可以通用,于是此类零部件市场的竞争加强了,从而使其价格回落。
The majority of metal-cutting operations involve the separation of small segments or chips from the workpiece to achieve the required shape and size of manufactured parts. 大部分金属切削操作需要从工件上切下碎片或碎屑,来获得所需工件的外形和尺寸。
Repair parts: use only original equipment, manufactured parts to protect the validated warranty. 维修部件:只能使用原厂设备和部件,以确保质量保证有效。
This is the United States, several groups of products manufactured in Shanghai and other parts do not sell. 这几批产品是美国生产的,在上海以及国内其他地方没有销售。
A factory where manufactured parts are assembled into a finished product. 把加工出来的零件或部分组装成一个完整产品的工厂。
Meanwhile, China mainly sends back cheap manufactured components such as television and air conditioning parts. 另一方面,中国主要向巴西出口廉价的制造零部件,如电视机和空调的零部件。
The thin shell parts for special materials was manufactured by using plasma spray forming technique, which could protect fragile and expensive parts that might not be sprayed directly. 采用等离子喷涂成形法制造某些特殊材料的薄壁件,以保护那些不允许直接进行等离子喷涂的脆弱零件及贵重零件。
Compared with traditional technologies, the parts manufactured in hydroforming have high precision and good surface quality, so it is suitable to process sheet parts with complex shape and high precision. 与传统工艺相比,液压成形后的零件精度高、表面质量好尤其适合于形状复杂、成形难度大、精度要求高的薄板零件的拉伸成形。
The porcelain body has maximum shed diameter of 880 mm and insulation height of 7610 mm, made of seven separated wet process manufactured parts, jointed together using combinative whole heating and local heating methods. 上瓷套的最大伞径为880mm,绝缘高度为7610mm,由七节湿法成形瓷套组成,采用整体加热与局部加热粘接相结合的方法将瓷套粘接成一体。
Vibrating signal testing& processing circuit formed by kernel elements of piezo electric transducer manufactured by American Bently company are introduced. Design of hardware principle circuit is given for amplifying and filtering parts 介绍了以美国本特利公司生产的压电式传感器为核心元件所组成的振动信号检测和处理电路,对于放大、滤波等部分给出了硬件原理电路设计
It is possible that the production pattern of rapidly converting concept design into product design is implemented. Industrial community is exploring the use of rapid prototyping machines for the production of final manufactured parts. 它使直接从概念设计迅速转为产品设计的生产模式成为可能,工业界正在探索使用快速成形机器生产最终要制造的零件的问题。
Practice proved that the die structure was reasonable and the manufactured parts were able to meet the needs of the use. 实践证明:该模具结构合理,生产的制件可以满足使用要求。
Last, the manufactured parts were assembled and the movement of bionic robotic hand was debugged, and the experiments manipulating objects with different shape applying in bionic robotic hand were tested. 最后,对零件进行装配,调试仿生机械手的运动,并应用仿生机械手对不同形状的物体进行了抓取试验。
Before that, the micro forward extrusion die was designed and manufactured, and the design technology of micro-forming die was discussed. Furthermore, micro hardness tests on axial section of the formed parts were also conducted to study the inhomogeneous material flow scale effect. 本研究同时还设计、制造了微型正挤压模具,对微成形工艺模具设计进行了初步探讨。
In the rapid prototyping production technics, some issues are immanent such as deformation, warping, collapsing and so on which lead to failure. Even if the parts have been manufactured successfully, it will have the big influences on the quality of shaped parts. 在快速成形制造工艺中,普遍存在零件变形、翘曲、坍塌等问题,易导致成形失败,即使加工成功也会对成形后零件质量产生很大的影响。